Reentering society after incarceration can be a daunting challenge, but with the right support, individuals can build successful, fulfilling lives. United Way partner organizations like Nonprofit Catalyst Grantee Reaching Out From Within and Impact 100 partner Journey to New Life play a critical role in this process, by providing guidance and resources at every stage.
“This support is not just about funding programs; it’s about creating opportunities for those who face significant stigma and systemic barriers to reintegration,” said Samantha Pettus, Director of Reentry Residences at Journey to New Life. “It sends a powerful message to the people we serve, that you are worth a second chance.”
Research suggests the greatest challenges individuals face reentering society post-incarceration are housing, employment and cost of living.
Broad access to transportation, mental health support, legal and financial obligations, navigating complex bureaucratic systems, rebuilding community connections, and adjusting to cultural changes are among other significant challenges the post-incarceration population faces.

One way Reaching Out From Within provides support is by facilitating an alumni group comprised of formerly incarcerated ROFW participants who meet once a month virtually and enjoy public speaking opportunities, where they share their stories to raise awareness. Members from all over the country can join, no matter where they are released.
“It really functions as a family and support system for our members as they can maintain relationships that can help them successfully process the transition back into their communities,” shared Eliza Barr, Executive Director at Reaching Out From Within.
Journey to New Life operates a residential program with a peer-led living environment for individuals during reentry. This recovery-focused environment, facilitated by Peer Advocates who have lived experience with reentry and recovery, provides residents with a structured, safe space to share their experiences, challenges and achievements. In addition to group support, clients receive individualized support to create a comprehensive support system.
“These groups provide residents with a welcoming, safe environment in which they build a system of mutual support. This sense of community creates a strong foundation for residents as they process trauma and grow in their personal journeys. Through recovery-focused events and peer-led guidance, residents develop the skills and opportunities needed to successfully rebuild their lives post-incarceration,” said Nick Flowers, Program Director at Journey to New Life.
For incarcerated individuals, Reaching Out From Within conducts weekly meetings which follow The Blue Book™ therapy-based curriculum, developed by and for incarcerated individuals. Facilitated by ROFW members themselves, group members elect each other to ownership positions that handle items like fundraising and communications with Department of Corrections (DOC) staff.

Out of 44 Kansas ROFW members released in 2021 who’ve attended 50+ meetings and have completed three years since their first meeting, overall recidivism (committing another crime) was reduced by nearly 16%.
“We attribute our success in large part to accountability. Our members are held to a very high standard by the organization, DOC administration, and most importantly ROFW members,” shared Barr. “ROFW provides a real-world brotherhood throughout its programming, making it easier for our members to communicate their needs upon release.”
Once an individual is released from prison, they typically walk out with no more than the clothes on their back and a small box of their personal belongings. At Journey to New Life’s First Stop services, individuals are offered assistance for their most immediate needs, with everything from acquiring clothing to applying for government assistance programs to obtaining vital documents like birth certificates, IDs and Social Security cards—all required before seeking employment, housing or healthcare services. Journey to New Life also has a Case Management Program which provides intensive, wraparound support with a unique focus on the personal goals and objectives of each client.
To keep these programs going, local organizations in Kansas City work together to support the progress their neighbors are making. Journey to New Life works with Giving the Basics to stock its central office with hygiene items on monthly basis; Flourish Furnishings to furnish new homes for their clients; Goodwill for job training and workforce development programs; and many others to supplement the array of services they provide.
Donors play a crucial role in sustaining these collaborative efforts, as their contributions allow for expanded services, enhanced resources, and ensuring long-term success for individuals facing reentry challenges.
“Support from donors in the community and organizations like United Way is a lifeline for all the individuals we serve, providing critical resources and opportunities for a true second chance at life. Without this support, many would remain stuck in cycles of instability and marginalization, but with it, they are given the opportunity to reclaim their lives with purpose, fulfillment, and hope for their future.,” shared Pettus.
It’s equally important to remember the larger societal impact of supporting reentry efforts.
Barr emphasizes, “The truth is, we as a nation should be making a concentrated effort and investment in welcoming home a better person. This ensures safer and more productive neighborhoods, a stronger economy, and healthier family dynamics—in short, a better world. The easiest way to start this process is to hear someone’s story, instead of making a judgment based off the worst moment in their lives.”
United Way is proud to partner with these organizations, striving to make a difference in the lives of incarcerated individuals before and during their reentry to society. To learn more about organizations doing vital work to support this cause, visit here.