Every hour of every day, residents of the 23 counties surrounding Kansas City call United Way 211 or look to 211KC.org in search of essential human services. United Way’s 211 services is the only Inform USA regionally accredited information and referral service available locally. Simply dial 211 to connect with caring Community Resource Navigators who are trained to search a database of more than 7,000 community services. In 2024, navigators handled more than 476,000 contacts and met 83% of needs.

Information Guides
Information guides can help you find information from trusted sources on many topics outside of the resources in our database.
They are like tip sheets or guides that 211 has researched or partnered with an agency or coalition to gather knowledge on that people commonly seek out and isn’t necessarily easy to get. After providing some basic information on a topic, we will share the source of the information, links to additional information and/or local resources.
Federal Poverty Guidelines, Tax Preparation Assistance, State Benefits, & Child Care
Human Trafficking, Benefits Trafficking, Identity Theft
Disaster Events, Disaster Financial Protection, Coronavirus
Eviction, Senior Housing, Energy Assistance Programs
Health & Insurance Literacy, Immunizations, Bed Bugs, Needle Disposal

Partnering with 211

211 Reports and Data
United Way 211 collects valuable community data through voluntary demographic questions of our callers. We then aggregate that data to provide reports on needs and trends to the community. Organizations often use this information for grant applications & reports, research & analysis, and service expansion opportunities. Several example reports are included below.
Additionally, the 211s in Missouri have jointly implemented a real-time reporting dashboard in collaboration with Washington University called 211 Counts. Anyone can access live information on trends reported to 211 at 211mo.211counts.org.

Find statistics on needs and unmet needs of 211 calls for the physical areas you are interested in and view 211 and census data on the map.
211 Annual Snapshot Reports
United Way 211 provides an annual report on our 23 county service area, semi-annual reports on community needs and one-page area specific snapshot reports on demand, as well as other topic-specific reports throughout the year.
Visit the Contact Us page for information on customized reports.