The holidays can be a difficult time for a lot of families. Extra expenses and cultural expectations can cause financial and mental stress.
If you are able to give back this holiday season, we’ve compiled a list of volunteer opportunities across the Kansas City metro:
Community LINC – Adopt A Family – Join Community LINC in making this season extra special for families in need. It’s time to adopt a family and create unforgettable holiday memories together. You have the flexibility to adopt a single family or multiple families, and you can choose the family size that resonates with you.
Community Services League – Christmas Store Volunteers – CSL’s Christmas Stores are a long-time tradition to provide Christmas assistance to our neighbors in need. Volunteer opportunities are between November 11 – December 16.
Cornerstones of Care – Pies for A Purpose – Purchase a Pies for a Purpose gift certificate below for just $17. Redeem your certificate at any Kansas City metro area Price Chopper, anytime until January 15, 2024. Choose from the delightful range of Tippin’s pies and relish your treat. $7 from each purchase directly supports the children and families at Cornerstones of Care.
Della Lamb – Operation Holidays – Operation Holidays is a two-day event (November 17-18) that embraces those in need in Kansas City. Their goal is to provide a unique opportunity to inspire a kinder Kansas City by offering holiday cheer and comfort to 500 families. Volunteer and donation opportunities available.
El Centro – Adopt A Family – El Centro is looking for more sponsors for their Adopt-A-Family Project! Each Christmas, they select families with children that we have been working with during the year to help them with holiday gifts for the kids. They are looking for more sponsors to adopt the kids. If you want to learn more about how the project works or the requirements to become a sponsor, call 913-428-1310.
Foster Adopt Connect – Match With A Child – Give Joy this holiday season! Kids in foster care hurt during the holidays, but gifts help give joy. Last year, FosterAdopt Connect provided gifts to over 1,500 children at Christmas time. With the generosity of donors like you fulfilling a child’s wish list, foster kids can have happier childhoods. Complete the sign-up form on their website to be matched.
Mother’s Refuge – Christmas Gift Sponsorships – Sponsor Christmas gifts for a mom and baby, family, or more! Every year Mother’s Refuge current and former residents are sponsored for Christmas gifts. You can sponsor just one person, a whole family, or multiple families. We have families of just mom and baby up to 7 or 8 members in a family.
Nourish KC – Serve a Meal – For more than 35 years, Kansas City Community Kitchen has served hot, nutritious meals to all who come with no questions asked and at no cost. The kitchen is open every Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., including holidays and during bad weather. As a volunteer, you can expect to clean and cut produce, plate food, clean the kitchen, and serve meals to the guests.
Operation Breakthrough – Christmas Program – Help families enjoy the holiday season by providing them with Christmas gifts and meals! Email holiday@operationbreakthrough.org and include your name, mailing address and cell phone number along with how many children in a family you would like to adopt (e.g. a parent with 2 children.) They will email the children’s wish list to you at the beginning of November.
Phoenix Family – Adopt A Family – Adopt a family in our community and give them the gift of hope this year. Phoenix Family’s Adopt A Family provides vulnerable families and older adults living in our community with a Christmas they cannot afford for themselves. Complete the online sponsor form on their website.
Rose Brooks – Holiday Store – Each year the Kansas City community gives so much of themselves to make sure the families of Rose Brooks Center have a very special holiday. New and unwrapped gifts, gift cards, and other necessities are collected and provided directly to the families receiving services at Rose Brooks Center. View Wish Lists and Volunteer opportunities here.
The Family Conservancy – Holiday Adopt-a-Family Program – Gather your co-workers, friends or family and help spread the holiday cheer for local families working toward brighter futures. These families are working hard to prepare their children for success, but providing holiday gifts and even meeting basic needs can be a major challenge with limited resources. Complete the form on their website to be matched with a family.
The Northland Christmas Store – Christmas Store December 4-6 – The Northland Christmas Store, Inc. is a 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to providing aid at Christmas time to needy persons and families of Clay County. The goal is to see that each deserving person or family has ample food and the each child has gifts. Sign up here to volunteer.
Reconciliation Services – Thelma’s Kitchen – Thelma’s Kitchen is a nonprofit, mission-driven cafe. When you purchase their Box Lunches and Catering Trays, YOU HELP provide social & mental health services and reduce food insecurity for KC neighbors in need. Thelma’s Kitchen relies on a volunteers to continue to reduce food insecurity in our KC neighbors in need.
Volunteer at our upcoming Seasons of Giving!