Urban League
2024 Impact 100 Partner
Website: Ulkc.org
Location: Kansas City, Mo. (Jackson Co.)
The mission of the Urban League of Greater Kansas City is to enable African Americans and other disadvantaged persons to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.
Volunteer Information:
Volunteer Opportunities: Tutoring in the Accelerated Learning Lab program initiative. Tutors should be proficient in subjects such as reading, math, science, English Language Arts (ELA). ULKC’s Accelerated Learning Lab provides vital tutoring to approximately 40 underserved students in grades K-12, from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday nights. Students receive a hot, nutritious meal during evening sessions. Tutors are asked to be available from 5:30-8:30 p.m. ULKC is also in need of volunteers to greet parents during sessions as they enter the offices at 1710 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. 64108.
Volunteers can also participate by greeting attendees and assisting with set up and tear down before and after our signature Difference Maker Luncheon on March 28, 2024.
A background check and brief interview is required for all tutors.
Volunteer Contact: Tiffany Lewis tlewis@ulkc.org