RW2 Career and Technical Education
2024 Nonprofit Catalyst Grantee
Website: rw2.education
Location: Lee’s Summit, Mo. (Jackson Co.)
The mission at Resiliency at Work 2.0 Career and Technical Education (RW2) is changing the FACE; closing the gap in the nation’s technically skilled workforce. Why? It’s about creating and increasing equitable opportunities through education and training for careers in the technically skilled workforce.
Volunteer Information:
Volunteer Opportunities: Special professional presentations allow individuals, 18 years and older, and small panels to make presentations, provide demonstrations or site visits for current and prospective students related to preparation for careers in the technically skilled workforce. Presenters should have experience or expertise per the topic(s). They are provided a simple outline to reference for the presentation.
Volunteer Contacts: Joy Vann-Hamilton jvh@rw2.education or resworkforce2@gmail.com