Providence School of Arts
2023 Nonprofit Catalyst Grantee
Website: Providenceartskc.org
Location: Kansas City, Mo. (Jackson Co.)
Providence School of Arts believes every child in Kansas City should be empowered to flourish. That’s the dream that fuels the school: to see children from all different neighborhoods, ethnicities, and socio-economic levels learning, discovering and thriving together. Providence School of Arts launched in 2012 with the goal of bringing the visual and performing arts to the urban core and providing a quality, affordable private school as an alternative education option. It also provides annual summer art camps to the community and a variety of arts enrichment opportunities.
Volunteer Information:
Volunteer Opportunities: Becoming an ambassador to engage with the community in online content, within local churches, host lunch and learns, participate in community events and more
Volunteer Contact: Marcus Oatis moatis@providenceartskc.org