National Congress of Black Women Kansas City
2023 Nonprofit Catalyst Grantee
Website: Ncbwkansascity.org
Location: Kansas City, Mo. (Jackson Co.)
The National Congress of Black Women is dedicated to the educational, political, economic and cultural development of African American Women and their families.
Volunteer Information:
Adult Volunteer Opportunities: Literacy/reading to children, community crime prevention, voter registration/education, working with homeless teens and adults, tutoring, assisting unemployed or developmentally disabled individuals, support youth athletics, lead youth workshops, support community groups, community clean-ups/home repairs, work with elderly, community engagement events, meal prep, food pantry assistance, special events and more
Youth Volunteer Opportunities: Reading to children, working with homeless populations, supporting get out the vote efforts, helping in area community centers, community clean-ups, working with the elderly, supporting special community events, delivering food assistance and more
Volunteer Contact: Sylvya Stevenson info@ncbwkansascity.org