Metropolitan Crime Commission
Website: kc-crime.org
Location: Kansas City, Mo. (Jackson Co.)
In existence for 75 years, the Metropolitan Crime Commission works in close partnership with KCPD (Kansas City, Mo. Police Department) on a variety of fronts, including the operation of the Crime Stoppers hotline, the administration of a family assistance fund for police killed in the line of duty and comprehensive programming for the “justice involved” population through wraparound supports with housing, employment, and addressing basic needs. Its mission is to advocate, develop strategies and operate innovative programs that bring people and public safety agencies together to power a safer, better Greater Kansas City community.
Volunteer Information:
Volunteer Opportunities: Board Members (40 Board of Directors member positions and 80 advisory board positions for our 4 programs that keep filled by business and community leadership). Board Members are required to attend meetings and participate in assigned committee work and support fundraising efforts; Fundraising events on specific, designated dates; Volunteers typically asked to do customer-service type jobs and event set-up; Specific requirements include: possibly long hours standing, lifting
Volunteer Contact: Tracy Kirksey tkirksey@kc-crime.org