First Call KC
2024 Impact 100 Partner
Website: Firstcallkc.org
Location: Kansas City, Mo. (Jackson Co.)
It is the mission of First Call to reduce the impact of alcohol, drugs, and addiction by providing quality resources to individuals, families and the community.
Volunteer Information:
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Speakers Bureau: The First Call Speaker’s Bureau is a volunteer group of staff and community members that represent First Call throughout the Kansas City metro area at health fairs, corporate events, speaking engagements, and community events. The goal of the Bureau is to increase community awareness and education about addiction and the services that First Call provides. Speakers Bureau volunteers receive in-depth training on First Call services as well as the latest education on mental health and substance use disorder.
- Emerging Professionals Board: The Emerging Professionals Board engages the community in the mission of First Call through events and programming geared toward younger professionals in the KC metro area. The EPB meets virtually monthly and is governed by its own executive committee. Additionally, EPB members serve on First Call committees, attend First Call events, and attend quarterly First Call Governing Board meetings. Application to the EPB is open in September of each year.
- Committees: First Call relies on several committees in an advisory capacity. These committees meet depending on the needs of each committee. Committees with open availability for 2024 are:
- Building Committee
- Government Relations Committee
- Events Committee
- Marketing Committee
Volunteer Contact: Margaux Mueller mmueller@firstcallkc.org