211 Disasters
Resources Guide
If there are currently any local or national disasters, 211 strives to provide current, verified information about resources, assistance, and donation & giving opportunities.
Local Disaster Information
During a disaster, United Way 211 is your trusted source for information, updates, and resources.
We provide information on (as appropriate):
- Mass Care Shelters
- Food Services
- Disaster Recovery Centers
- Goods Distribution Sites
- Major Road Closures
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Donation Opportunities, including Money & Material Goods
Make 211 your source of information when you have questions about resources and assistance in any situation.situation.
National Disaster Information
United Way Worldwide continues to coordinate several relief funds in cooperation with local organizations for the disastrous wildfires and hurricanes that have happened over the past 2 years. You can find more information at unitedway.org/recovery.
National VOAD is also continuing to provide long term case management for Texans affected by the hurricanes through Project Comeback: Texas.
Protect Your Family Financially After a Disaster
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau shared this blog about how to protect yourself financially following a disaster for those affected by the hurricanes of 2017. However, the information applies to anyone affected by any disaster. Below is a synopsis, but the link contains the full information.
Seeking Assistance and Organizing Your Finances
When a catastrophe like a hurricane or earthquake happens, your world can be turned upside down. During these tough times, it may be difficult to know who to trust and where to look for guidance and assistance, as well as what financial steps to take as you begin recovering. These are a few organizations that can help immediately after a natural disaster:
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website will help you find up-to-date resources and information.
- The Red Cross can help you find aid and shelters. Local organizations will establish shelters and provide vouchers for meals, clothing and a limited amount of personal goods.
- The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP) can provide disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a way to access and apply for disaster assistance.
Once your most urgent needs are addressed:
1. Contact your insurance company.
2. Register for assistance.
3. Contact your mortgage servicer.
4. Contact your credit card companies and other lenders.
5. Contact your utility companies.
After contacting the companies related to your most urgent financial needs, take a look at your bills and set priorities-including your mortgage, rent, and insurance payments. Given the countless people experiencing distress from the flooding, contacting your creditors may be difficult. Be persistent and make every effort to reach them.
Additional resources
- Forbearance. Depending upon the type of loan you have, your lender may be willing to temporarily reduce or suspend your payments; this is referred to as forbearance. To learn more, visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). If you have student loans, ask your servicer if you qualify for a temporary forbearance. Federal student loan borrowers may be eligible for up to three months of forbearance.
- Insurance settlement. This quick guide will provide you with some of the basics about how an insurance settlement works. Typically, your mortgage servicer will release a portion of the settlement money before work begins so you can hire a contractor. When the work is halfway finished, the servicer will typically release more money. The rest will be released once the job is finished and the home passes inspection.
- How to choose a contractor. Read our tips to consider when evaluating contractors to help fix or rebuild your home after a disaster.
Warning: Be aware of scams
During and after disasters there is also an increased risk for scams and fraud. To avoid scams, you need to ask lots of questions. If the person trying to sell you a product or service can’t or won’t answer your questions, this is a red flag that you might want to look for someone else to do business with.
Watch out for:
- People who want you to pay up-front fees to help you claim services, benefits, or get loans.
- Contractors selling repairs door-to-door, especially when they ask to receive payment up front or offer deep discounts.
- Con artists posing as government employees, insurance adjusters, law enforcement officials, or bank employees. Never give out personal information to someone you don’t know.
- Fake charities. Normally, legitimate organizations do not have similar names to government agencies or other charities; so if they do, it may be a scam. Never give out donations over the phone.
- Limited time offers. Anyone who offers you something and tells you that it is for a very limited time may be trying to pressure you into something that you could later regret. You should never be pressured to make a decision on the spot or to sign anything without having enough time to review it. Take your time, read and understand anything presented to you, and ask a trusted friend, relative, or attorney before acting.
Starting over requires a lot of hard choices. If you have been affected by disaster and want to make sure your financial records are secure, download a FEMA disaster checklist to help you consolidate all the information you need-including account numbers, personal records and financial records. Being prepared and knowing how to protect yourself can help you avoid scams and get back on your feet faster.
Find more information on how the Bureau encourages financial institutions to assist consumers after an emergency or natural disaster.
If you’re having trouble with a financial product, you can submit a complaint with the CFPB online or by calling (855) 411-CFPB (2372).
The Coronavirus (AKA COVID-19 or novel coronavirus) is a virus that presents as an upper respiratory illness with symptoms similar to the common flu. The World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled COVID-19 as a pandemic.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Facts from the CDC, FEMA & White House
Helpline Info
- Disaster Distress Helpline 24 hour crisis counseling and support for people experiencing emotional distress related to disasters
❋ Text “TalkWithUs” to 66746
Recursos Sobre el Coronavirus en Español
- Organización Mundial de la Salud sitio web de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19)
- CDC Qué hacer si contrae la enfermedad del coronavirus
- Johnson County Health Cómo Estar Preparado para el Coronavirus
- CDC Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes
- AARP Página de Recursos para Personas Mayores
- CDC Consejos para lavarse los manos
- Child Care Aware Actividades Familiares en español para aprender en casa
COVID-19 Fact Sheets in Other Languages
- Amharic COVID-19 ምንድነዉ?
- Arabic ؟COVID-19 ما هو مرض
- Chinese Simplified 什么是COVID-19?
- Chinese Traditional 什麼是COVID-19?
- Hindi COVID-19 क्या है?
- Japanese COVID-19疾患とは?
- Khmer តើជម្ងឺឌីអាយ -១៩ គឺជាអ្វី?
- Korean COVID-19란 무엇인가?
- Russian Что такое COVID-19?
- Somali Waa maxay COVID-19?
- Tagalog Ano ang COVID-19?
- Thai ไวร ัสโคโรนาสายพ ันธุ์ใหม่คืออะไร
- Vietnamese COVID-19 là gì?