211 Basic Needs
Information Guide
The Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is a measurement of the minimum amount of annual income that is needed for individuals and families to pay for essentials, such as room and board, clothes, and transportation.
*Note that these amounts change based on the number of individuals in the household and the state in which one resides.
2024 Poverty Guidelines
Persons in Family/Household | Poverty Guideline |
1 | $15,060 |
2 | $20,440 |
3 | $25,820 |
4 | $31,200 |
5 | $36,580 |
6 | $41,960 |
7 | $47,340 |
8 | $52,720 |
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,380 for each additional person. |
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Poverty Guidelines Percentage
Many State and community organizations use Federal Poverty Guideline percentages to set certain income guidelines for their eligibility requirements. Use this chart to see what your annual or monthly income percentage is compared to the FPL.
Each year from the end of January through tax day (April 15) you can find local programs to provide free assistance preparing your taxes.
Important Tax Information
Find more information on the IRS website.
- Call the IRS to: request a copy of your return at 800-829-1040 or check the status of your refund at 800-829-1954.
KC Metro VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
Free Tax Preparation
- VITA Tax Preparation Appointments: For year 2024 VITA Tax Preparation, DIAL 211 or 816-474-5112 and speak with a Community Resource Navigator to make an appointment for area locations.
- Make Your Own Appointment: This year, you can book an appointment with a volunteer yourself at the MU Extension website.
- Eligibility: This year, any household with an income less than $67,000 in 2024 OR is a special population (Limited English proficiency, people with disabilities, and 60+) is eligible for free VITA tax preparation.
Tax Preparation Assistance – Find a Location
- Tax Preparation: Free tax preparation listings for all locations, click on “Add a zip code to list by location” to find the service closest to you for appointment
Other Tax Related Services
- Federal Income Tax Information: Locations that provide guidance on filing federal taxes
- Tax Forms: Locations that provide tax forms
- Property Tax Rebate & State Income Tax Information: State Departments of Revenue
- Taxpayer Advocate Services: Programs that advocate for people who have ongoing tax issues
Off Season Filing Resources
- IRS Online Filing:: IRS links to options to file your own taxes online
- Military Onesource: Online tax filing services and over-the-phone tax consultants for service members and their spouses
Questions or need assistance finding additional resources? Contact a community resource navigator by email or dial 211 anytime.
Are you or someone you know needing help to support and maintain your family’s financial stability? State benefits may be able to help you or your family with SNAP (food stamps), health care and other needs.
SNAP/EBT/Food Stamps
The Food Stamp Program helps people with low income to buy food and food products including seeds and plants to grow food.
Anyone can apply for Food Stamps, however there are elibility requirements.
*Both KS and MO participate in the Double Up Bucks program which allows you to match your SNAP dollars at farmers markets and certain grocery stores.
MO HealthNet (Medicaid)
MO HealthNet covers qualified medical expenses for individuals who meet certain eligibility requirements; usually families, kids, pregnant or uninsured people, older adults and people with disabilities.
Beginning April 1, 2023, the Family Support Division will be required to restart annual renewals for MO HealthNet (Missouri Medicaid). They will send out important information in the mail, so please make sure to update your mailing address if you have moved. Learn more about annual renewals and what this means for you on their website.
Find out more about MO HealthNet programs and benefits on the MyDSS MO HealthNet page.
Health Coverage for Pregnant Women
Missouri has two programs that provide health coverage for people who are pregnant: MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women (MPW) and Show-Me Healthy Babies (SMHB).
MPW provides healthcare coverage, including sixty-day postpartum coverage, for people who are pregnant with family income below 196% of Federal Poverty Level (see poverty guidelines tab above).SMHB provides similar coverage for people who are pregnant who have applied for and are not eligible for MO HealthNet programs with income up to 300% of Federal Poverty Level (see poverty guidelines tab above) and don’t have access to private insurance. A social security number and/or proof of citizenship is not required for SMHB.
Temporary Assistance (previously TANF)
Temporary Assistance provides cash benefits to families with low income for the household’s children for basic needs. If approved for Temporary Assistance, most recipients are required to participate in employment and training activities.
Find out more about Temporary Assistance requirements and benefits on the MyDSS Temporary Assistance page.
Other services such as Child Support, Blind Servi
Kansas has a two combined sites that allow people to check eligibility, apply and access benefits for state programs: the Dept for Children and Families Non-Medical Self-Service Portal and the Medical Self-Service Portal.
Food Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamps)
The Food Assistance Program provides qualifying households with low income with food benefits, access to a healthy diet and education on food preparation and nutrition.
Find more information about eligibility and how the program works in the Food Assistance FAQ’s.
*Both KS and MO participate in the Double Up Bucks program which allows you to match your SNAP dollars at farmers markets and certain grocery stores.
KanCare (Medicaid)
KanCare offers covers qualified medical expenses for individuals who meet certain eligibility requirements; usually children, pregnant people, families with children, elderly, adults with disabilities and children with disabilities.
SOBRA is a health care program for people who do not meet citizenship rules and covers life-threatening emergency care costs and baby deliveries only, which is also available through KanCare.
Cash Assistance (previously TANF)
The Kansas Cash Assistance program is called Successful Families, and offers employment services and support services which may include cash assistance to parents and relative caregivers of children.
Find out more about Cash Assistance requirements and benefits on the Successful Families page.
Other services such as Child Care Assistance, Refugee Assistance, LIEAP, Work Programs, Adoption Assistance, and Youth Independent Living Services are also available through the DCF Non-Medical Portal.
Finding appropriate and affordable child care can be very challenging for parents, especially new parents. There are Child Care Referral programs available that can help you find centers and programs that will fit your needs.
Finding Child Care
Missouri: Child Care Aware is a national agency that partners with local Child Care Resource & Referrals agencies to provide an online search for the state of Missouri.
Show Me Childcare Provider Search
Kansas: Child Care Aware of Kansas provides options to search online for care, or to call and speak with a Resource Center Counselor for assistance.
Choosing the Right Child Care for You
The Family Conservancy’s Child Care Resources offers information on what to look for in high-quality child care, interview questions to help choose a child care provider, and other tips for choosing child care.
Child Care Subsidies
Child Care Subsidy programs are state-based assistance programs that help parents pay for child care. Eligibility for the subsidies is based on how many people are in your family and your income.
Missouri: Find out more about eligibility and apply on the MO DSS Child Care page.
Kansas: Find out more about eligibility on the KS DCF Child Care Subsid