United Way of Greater Kansas City 211 recently upgraded the 211 website which includes reports, tools and an upgraded online resource database, all of which can be found at 211KC.org. The update includes a new search tool that still pulls services and providers from our vetted, comprehensive resource database, while having more user-friendly search options. Recently, local nonprofits attended training sessions to learn how best to utilize the new site and share positive feedback including:
“Thank you! This new site looks great and will really help our community.”
“It’s very helpful and can’t wait to share!”
“I’m glad to have taken this training and learn the new system to guide others needing assistance.”
“I’m so excited about the newly revamped 211 website.”
211 is available to residents of a 23-county region surrounding Kansas City 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here are two calls Community Resource Navigators (CRNs) helped with in the month of February.
A young, employed Kansas City, Mo. resident was struggling to find housing. The woman was fleeing a domestic violence situation and shared she did not have a strong support system. She called 211 seeking resources to help. The Community Resource Navigator explained the types of housing resources that were available from emergency shelters to transitional housing to housing search assistance for a more permanent home. After completing a short assessment about her needs, the caller identified that transitional housing was the best match because she was able to maintain her current living arrangement for a couple more weeks and had a full-time job. The navigator reviewed local transitional housing programs in the metro and shared how the caller could apply to each program, as well as the expectations for each of them. The caller ended feeling hopeful and encouraged by both the resources, as well as the support provided from the navigator during a difficult life transition.
A Kansas City, Mo. mother in her 30s reached 211 expressing concern about an eviction notice she had just received from her landlord. It reported she owed $2,000, but she was disputing the charges. The caller had lost her previous employment and recently started a new job. She was concerned about keeping a roof over her head for herself and her family. She called 211 looking for resources to assist with rent payment and legal aid. The navigator shared information about the Kansas City, Mo. Right to Counsel Program, informing the woman she could apply directly online or call back if the situation escalated to a housing court case. Next, the navigator took time to review rent assistance programs, available in the caller’s zip code, ensuring the caller knew how to apply for each program and the required documents. The caller expressed her gratitude for the navigator’s thoroughness and the robust information to take the next steps in supporting her family.
In 2024, housing related inquiries like these made up three of the top five most requested needs United Way of Greater Kansas City Community Resource Navigators received.