Hello! If you have reached this page, you attempted to visit a webpage that is no longer active through the United Way of Greater Kansas City. With a recent platform transition our agency portal, campaign pages, and forms have all moved; however, our team is happy to assist in finding what you need.
Are you looking for the webpage for your recent United Way giving campaign? We encourage you to reach out to your company’s United Way campaign manager to find the correct URL or contact donorsupport@uwgkc.org.
Are you looking for a grant or individual assistance form? Please contact unitedwayproposalquestions@uwgkc.org.
Are you looking for the Agency Portal or have questions about designations? United Way of Greater Kansas City is transitioning to a new CRM in spring 2024. This will cause a disruption and delay in reporting. The current agency portal is no longer available. The new agency portal will be available by July 31, 2024. A new URL and log on information will be sent to the contact on file when the agency portal is available. Please contact Kimberly O’Hare, Manager of Donor Choice, at 816-559-4609 or kim.ohare@uwgkc.org.
If you are looking for something else or have a general inquiry, please Contact us.
Thank you,
United Way of Greater Kansas City